Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Insomnia Sucks

1:30 a.m. -- wake up.  no reason.  quiet house.
1:32 a.m. -- go back to sleep, go back to sleep, pleeeeeeeeaaase go back to sleep.
1:33 a.m. -- too late.  brain activated.  i wonder if i was too hard on so and so in my classroom yesterday.  how can i react differently today?  what else can i possibly do for this child. 
1:40 a.m. -- my kindle is just sitting right there.  i wonder if anyone played me back in wwf...nope.  oh, good rachel played draw something.
1:45 a.m. -- facebook.  what a time suck...perfect for insomnia.  i really should delete this account.  or clean up my friends list.  or do a better job of separating my personal account from my "professional" account. i wonder how much more i would get accomplished sans facebook.  lemme check one more time.  nope.  no new posts.
2:02 a.m. -- pinterest.  another time suck...yet somehow...more productive.  pin cool classroom ideas which might come to year...may over the summer when i have so much  funny girl. check out new recipes.  im kinda hungry.  no one eats at 2:00 a.m. unless it's a greasy breakfast at denny's after a bender.  no eating.  check out fitness board.  ab workout?  perhaps.
2:48 a.m. -- dark.  roll over.  shoulder still hurts from trying to be "cool mom" and show g how to do hand stands against a wall.  how did i get to the point of shoulder injuries from hand stands?  im old. 
2:52 a.m. -- fat cat is cleaning himself at the end of the bed.  the licking sound might do me in.
2:58 a.m. -- pee.  drink of water. 
3:04 a.m. -- back in bed. what am i going to say to so and so this morning to get us off to a good start?  i really should have submitted that scholastic book order yesterday.  i wonder if my team mate is feeling better.  i wonder who else is awake right now.
3:12 a.m. -- maybe i'll just go to bed early tonight.
3:14 a.m. -- ab workout seems doable.  i'm going to be tired tomorrow.  or amped up on no sleep.  i'll have time for a long shower.  maybe i'll shave my legs today.  maybe i'll wear a skirt.  naaah.
3:19 a.m. -- go back to sleep, go back to sleep, pleeeeeeeeeeeease go back to sleep. 
3:22 a.m. -- i need to run.  my brain needs to run.  i hate running in the dark.  i feel like a giant mountain lion is going to attack me out of nowhere the whole time.  except at christmas time.  running in the dark was peaceful then...lights.  maybe i'll run.
3:37 a.m. -- head to couch.  blogtherapy?  apparently.
4:12 a.m. -- wrap up blog.  tired.  not sleepy.  run. throw dinner in the crockpot.  long shower.  helllloooo wednesday!


Grandma Emie said...

Next time.... just call.... I really don't sleep in the middle of the night!!!!

mom and dad said...

hope you are back on track now. i remember insomnia. you are funny in the wee hours!

mom and dad said...

I agree......count those sheep.