Graham and I got through our first full week of school last week. I have to get a pretty early start to get us both out the door at a descent time, but we do it and G is happy when he gets there and happy when I pick him up. I couldn't ask for more!
Over the 3-day weekend, he and I have been taking walks in the mornings before it gets too hot. He says "I want to take a long walk mommy. Not a short walk." And that we do. We head up to see the "diggers" and tractors working on the road west of our neighborhood. Then we loop around to the pond to check on the ducks. There is one duck with a limp that we call the "broken leg duck". We both worry that he doesn't have a cast like Graham. Then it's on to the 1/2 mile nature trail where we see bunnies and butterflies. There's a beautiful field where we occasionally see cows drinking in the creek. Our final stop before heading home is this patch of wildflowers growing inspite of the construction around them. We add a few to our bouquet each day.

How great that it has cooled just a bit so he can get out a little more. See you Tuesday. Love to all
I'm so glad Mommy and Graham are checking on the hurt duck. It's nice that you can enjoy long morning walks and conversations.......memories in the making. Love you all, Mom
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