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G has fun turning Peppa Pig upside down and sideways. I couldn't talk him out of putting a couple on the days before the accident actually happened! |
...and we're seeing the light!
- Chad and I both took G's "Big Day" off work.
- I have the confetti cake mix with the confetti icing ready to make celebration cupcakes.
- I found some videos on You Tube of kids actually getting their SPICA casts removed and I showed a couple of them to Graham to help prepare him for what to expect. He LOVED watching them! We talked about how brave the kids were in the videos and how the saw is loud, but it doesn't hurt. He asks to watch one out of the blue sometimes.
- We've made lists of all the things Graham will be able to do..."going potty standing up" is no. 1 on his list. "Jumping off the slide into the wood chips" is also on his list. I haven't burst his bubble on that one yet.
- We. Are. Ready!
All of that said, we are going to have some work to do once he sheds this exoskeleton. I have been sleeping with Graham in his bed for the last 6 weeks (not counting all of the couch time that first week). Getting us all back into a normal nighttime/nap time routine might be painful. He was such a good sleeper before all of this...and Momma's ready to sleep in the grown-up bed again!
Also, suffice it to say that the toddler has ruled the roost during all of this. He's been a very good "boss" and any kind of discipline/time-out system we had in place has been totally thrown out the window. Last night he threw a holy screaming/crying fit while we were laying in bed because I wouldn't sing "one more song". (We had already read books, sang in the neighborhood of 36 songs, said bedtime prayers and night-nights). A. This wouldn't have happened BC. B. If it had, I would've walked out of his room and ignored him. Last night, I stayed in his bed and ignored him. While he was in my face. Screaming. Not easy. Not recommended. But I didn't want to leave because he's become so mobile rolling around in this thing that I thought he'd hurl himself over one of the side rails and break his other leg in my absence. This worry is probably going to be around for awhile.
School will also be so different for him. He's happy every time I drop him off and he gets mad at me if I pick him up "too early" (meaning 4:30 instead of my normal 5:30), but he also makes comments like "I will like school when my cast is off." His teacher also mentioned that he's very sweet, but he's been a little bossy lately. (Really? We never see him do that at home!) Naturally, it's frustrating to not be able to do all of the things his friends are doing. "Mommy when I get my cast off, I'm going to tell all my friends I can walk now."
Our appointment is at 7:45 Wednesday morning. We took the first available appointment and we will be there with bells on!
Oh Happy Day is coming...yay. You have all done such a great job dealing/coping with a rough situation. Love You, Mom
etentmeOh Happy Day is coming...yay. You have all done such a great job dealing/coping with a rough situation. Love You, Mom
Yeah!!!!!! He will be so happy to be free of that cast..... and I know you guys will be thrilled. He really has been sweet through this whole thing. Love to all of you!!!!!!
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