Thursday, August 16, 2012

SPICA Day 7 - 1 Week Follow-Up

X-Rays posted below.  Avoid if squeamish!

Happy Kid

Yesterday was our week 1 follow-up with Graham's Dr.  They took new x-rays and we talked a bit about the overlap in the two pieces of bone.  Overlap is normal, but there is a range which is considered "acceptable" before they intervene.  Graham is still in the acceptable range but she wants to watch it over the next week.  If it remains acceptable this week, then we should be in the clear.  If not they modify his cast.  SO, back in 1 week for more x-rays.  (too much overlap means possible shortening of the leg)

We also talked a lot about school and work.  We are still making some decisions and working some things out so will post more on that later.  Graham's preschool open house is this afternoon, so we are going to take him up to see his classroom, meet his teacher, and maybe see a few of his classmates.

X-rays at 1 week

The x-ray on the right looks more odd because the bar on his cast is included in the shot.

We also, of course, discussed these seemingly never ending muscle spasms.  She said they should be subsiding any day now and once they do, they're gone.  We have put him back on a regular Motrin schedule every 6 hours to help with any leftover inflammation.  Last night, right on schedule, he was just about to fall asleep when they kicked in.  40 minutes, an early dose of Motrin, a dose of Valium, and a dose of codeine later they were gone.  Dr. suggested continuing the codeine on top of everything when the Valium doesn't get the job done (never).  I gave him 1 ml less than normal and he woke up without any side effects this morning. 

We have passed the 1 Week mark!  Peppa Pig is filling up our calendar and we all like the looks of that!  Day 8 is beginning as normal, G playing at his table while watching Nick Jr.  The daily request for biscuits and gravy has been submitted and I am on it!  It's going to be a great day. :)


Grandma Emie said...

Thanks for the update. What time is open House? Love you guys so much. Let us know what we can do to help. Give G a big hug!!

mom and dad said...

It is a great day and biscuits and gravy sounds good! Trying to get the trip planned and Carolyn was nice to offer to come help me help you if her cousin can't get the whole week off...friends and family, what would we do without each other?