Monday, August 13, 2012

SPICA Day 3 -- Codeine Free!

Finally ready to check out his basket of goodies.

Sitting up more.  No drugs for me, please!

Day 3 Wrap-Up:  G did quite well with just his regularly scheduled Motrin today.  Mom and Dad are getting better at the diaper changing.  It involves tucking a small diaper with the tabs cut off up into the cast, then wrapping him with a larger diaper.  So far, BM's have not been an issue, though I grow more concerned each day.  The thought of living with that on the cast for 6 weeks... (!)The blow drier set on "cool" has helped with the itchies that have already started and helped dry out his cast when diapers leak.  We are seeing perky signs of our boy.  He wanted to sit up and investigate some of the goodies sent by the coaches' wives and Grandmas and Grandpas.  Oh!  And HOURS of Nick Jr.'s Peppa Pig.  There are only about 8 episodes that we've recorded and we have watched all of them.  Over.  And over.  And over again.  Hope outweighs grief at this point!    

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